
-we are going to have another baby girl at the end of  july.

-we have three weeks of school left, and then begins the art of summering, 2012 edition!

-emma turned seven, has lost two teeth and has one quite wiggly, ready to fall out at any given moment. she is, in her words, “a genius at math, drawing and reading”.

-violette has lost her first tooth and is still mostly interested in collecting/organizing items. she reads like a champ, and her favorite books to read are the berenstein bears stories, or anything by dr. seuss.

-theodore is nearly three! he is very adventurous, charming and entertaining. he has a remarkable habit of getting in and out of trouble in a blink of an eye. he thinks he is very subversive when watching power rangers or spiderman.

-our lawn care business – crandall lawn & tree – has already achieved the goals set for this year! time to set some new ones!

-i am in the process of re-vamping this space, and have a few exciting ideas & plans in store.

“Oh I must pass nothing by 
Without loving it much, 
The raindrop try with my lips, 
The grass with my touch; “

-an excerpt from ‘may day’ by sara teasdale


-thunderstorms & cooler temperatures.
-our home & having a space of our own.
-the shifting of seasons on the horizon- from the eternal play of summer to the more focused fall-ish schooling.
-quiet secret prayers coming to be, sooner or later.
-vinegar & murphy’s oil soap.
-my prayer scarves.
-old hymns & ancient prayers.
-the hope of today being all it should.

goings on.

praying for rain, inspired by children, teaching littles respect- learning just as much, sweet sunday as a clan, worship in all things, it’s all love-without love i am a clanging cymbal, speaking the truth is not the same as being unloving, pushing back the start of school a week -it’s wrong to do school when it’s over 100 degrees outside, a bit sad summer is coming to a close – but still savoring the last bit, thankful, always thankful: home & family & the Spirit surrounding.


The Little darling Spring has run away
The sunshine grew too hot for her to stay
She kissed her sister, Summer,and she said
“When I am gone, you must be queen instead”
Now reigns the Lady Summer, round whose feet
A thousand fairies flock with blossoms sweet.

far too long.

and here we are, i did not post on our birthdays or about vacation. nor how we’ve been summering so sweetly. i’ve neglected sharing little anecdotes and funny new words my little’s have invented. (sminch – can either be used to describe a small amount of food, “may i have a sminch of your cookie? or an act of violence between small siblings. “mama!!!! teddy sminched my arm!”.)

and here we are, three weeks from the start of a new school year. a change of season and rhythm and pace for our clan.

our summer has been glorious: birthdays, swimming, long naps, movie-watching, and always the Spirit’s leading and prompting. yes, it’s hot. hotter than usual, but we adapt. and we are thankful for air conditioning and melons and lots of water.

a new adventure: driving! i got my learner’s permit (again, at 25!) and have been practicing. i will take the driving test in the middle of august, and then i will be a traveling gypsy. my parent’s have generously and graciously blessed me (and brady+my brothers all!) with a new car. my pretty purple minivan needs a name. suggestions?

the children are well. emma is into drawing, big projects, and ‘farming’ at the moment. violette, her pet shop animals and writing. theodore is a ball of energy, a “take-off”, as we have labelled him, as it’s never too long before he takes off running. they are excited about school, even theodore. this year, emma says she wants to learn spanish and chinese. violette is excited about reading and writing.

i am still overwhelmed with gratitude, thankful for so much. always learning, always wanting to know more. always in the secret place with the Divine, co-conspiring on how to bring JOY and all other good things to earth.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!

emma’s 6th birthday!

a brief history of emma’s birthdays:








today’s fleeting thoughts.

i need to mop. thinking about the effects of earthquakes and tsunamis, praying for peace and comfort. the sun is shining through the curtains, it makes me happy. the kids are having an adventure on the high seas in their bedroom. i am thinking about the koan ‘wash your bowl‘ and wondering if everything can be reduced to that kind of simplicity. we had 3 pairs of fingernail clippers at our old house, apparently none of them made the trip with us.  loving the rhythm of making bread weekly. curious about what the Divine is up to with tonite…i know we’re meant to do this,  but feel a bit apprehensive at the same time. (yet, if it’s just me and brady and the holy spirit… it’ll be a good time.) feeling the need to make something pretty, something tangible, something revolutionary.

thankful thursday

-a good nite’s sleep & calcium/magnesium

the mother’s hours

-grace, & not being bound by forms of religion & rules & restrictions

-that my lifestyle affords a leisurely breakfast – today: omelette, toast and an orange with peppermint tea

charlotte mason’s books (obviously, a bit antiquated in some regards)

-harry potter movie/book marathons, getting lovey on board bit by bit 🙂

-prayers from the heart, prayers from the spirit

-anticipation & excitement – wondering how our shabbat evenings will go…


we are settled, in our new home. i feel as if i can un-pause and take up blogging, photography, knitting…. simply creating again.

there is space here, space to test out my wings. space to discover. space to fill with beauty. light, fresh, clean, white. this is how i see my new space. (under the clutter of children’s debris…)

thank heavens for new beginnings.


eleven things to do in twenty-eleven.

1) be intentional with my thoughts, words and actions. love folks, always

2) sing, dance and make merry – every day

3) fill up my house with flowers and other pretties 

4) be silly with my family and friends

5) read 52 books + study the Bible intensely 

6) bake something delicious once a week 

7) take lots & lots of pictures

8 ) invite someone new to shabbat once a month

9) write. write in my journal every day, write poems and short stories, write ideas and inventions. write mundane details and summarize my grandest adventures. write!

10) get messy                     

11) spend a lot more time doting on and spoiling my lovey